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Palm reading is one of the forms that many people choose when they want to know about their future, destiny, work, and love. Slightly different from Western card fortune-telling, Tarot fortune-telling, Love fortune-telling, Menstruation fortune-telling… palm fortune-telling can make judgments at a farther, longer level because the palm lines move very little. If you are interested in learning about this field, don’t miss the basic online palm reading method below. Who knows, maybe people will find interesting information.

Palm fortune telling 1

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What is Palmistry?

Palm reading is a form of fortune telling based on analyzing the lines on the palm of the hand. According to fortune tellers, palm lines can reveal a person’s personality, career, health, love, and destiny.

There are many different types of palm lines, each with its own meaning. Some common palm lines include:

Life line: The life line is located below the thumb, and symbolizes a person’s health and longevity.

Wisdom line: The wisdom line is located above the thumb, and symbolizes a person’s intelligence and ability to learn.

Love line: The love line is located below the little finger, and symbolizes a person’s love and marriage.

Career line: The career line is located below the middle finger, and symbolizes a person’s career and success.

In addition, fortune tellers can also consider other hand characteristics, such as the shape, size, and color of the hand, to make their predictions.

Rules for palm reading

As the name suggests, palm reading is a way for you to consult your future destiny through the lines of your palm. The first rule is “Boys left, girls right”. That means if you want to read a man’s palm, you need to look at the palm lines on the left palm, and for women, on the right palm.

In addition, many people close their eyes and clench their hands to determine which hand to point at more effectively and accurately.

Why do many people want to read their palms?

In fact, all forms of fortune telling, including palm reading, are for reference only. They are not 100% accurate. However, fortune telling is still sought after by many people, because they are curious to know whether their future destiny is good or bad, favorable or not.

According to experts in physiognomy and feng shui, palmistry is also one of the factors that help predict a person’s fate. Viewers will rely on the length, direction, and darkness of the palm lines to comment on a person’s destiny based on researched information.

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How to read Palm Fortune 100% accurately today

Step 1: Choose the correct hand

As stated above, men choose to see the left hand, women choose to see the right hand. More specific explanation for this:

  • For women, the right hand is associated with destiny, while the left hand is associated with the achievements you will achieve in life.
  • For men, the right hand is associated with achievements, and the left hand is associated with destiny.

In particular, if the two hands are different, it means that person is making changes or taking actions that change their life.

Step 2: Identify the palm lines

On our hand there are 4 main lines. These lines may be broken or short, but you will definitely have at least 3 main lines in the palm of your hand, which are:

– (1) Heart line

– (2) The path of wisdom

– (3) Life path

– (4) Fate line (many people do not have this line).

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Step 3: Decode the heart line

The heart line can be read in any direction from the little finger to the index finger or vice versa. According to explanation, the heart line tells you about emotional stability, cardiovascular health or love relationships. As follows:

firstStart below the index fingerYou live your love life wholeheartedly
2Start below the middle fingerYou are selfish in love
3Start from the middle of the palmYou are easily moved emotionally
4Straight and shortYou pay little attention to emotions
5Touch the life lineYou are vulnerable
6Long and curvedYou freely express your emotions and feelings
7Straight and parallel to the head lineYou know how to control emotions
8RippleYou are flirtatious and have many lovers, but no real serious relationships
9On the heart line there is a small circleYou are sad or depressed
tenThis line is brokenYou are emotionally traumatized
11There are small roads crossingYou are emotionally traumatized

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Step 4: Decode the head path

The head line represents the level of education, the way to access information as well as knowledge on the learning path and in real life. To better understand their meaning, refer to the table below.

firstThe path of wisdom is shortEnjoys receiving physical achievements more than mental ones
2The path of the head is curved and slopes downwardThere’s a lot of creativity
3Separated from the life lineAdventurous, have a passion for life
4The path of wisdom is wavyYou have a bit of difficulty concentrating
5The head line is bold and longYou have clear thoughts and are quite focused
6The path of wisdom is straightYou think realistically
7There are circles or asterisksYou have an emotional crisis
8The spiritual path is brokenYou have no stance in your way of thinking
9There are many cross pathsYou have to make important decisions

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Step 5: Decode the life path

The life line begins near the thumb, extending in an arc toward the wrist. They reflect your health and physical condition, your ability to find happiness, major changes in life, etc. Note: The length of your life line is not related to your lifespan.

firstThe life line runs near the thumbYou often feel tired
2The life line is curvedYou are full of energy
3The life line is long and boldYou have enduring vitality
4The life line is short and shallowYou are controlled by others
5The life line curves to form a semi-circleYou are healthy and full of enthusiasm
6The life line is straight and approaches the edge of the palmBe careful in love
7There are many life pathsYou are full of vitality
8There is a small circle located on the life lineYou are hospitalized or injured
9The life line is brokenYou have an unexpected change in your life

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Step 6: Decode the destiny line

The destiny line, also known as the destiny line, shows possible external influences that can affect your life that you cannot control. Their shape starts from the end of the palm.

firstDark sugarYou are completely controlled by destiny
2Fracture or change of directionYou are susceptible to outside influences that change your life
3Start with the life pathYou are an independent person, with aspirations from a young age
4Attached to the life line in the middleAt one point in life, you have to sacrifice your interests for others
5Start at the end of the thumb and cut across the life lineYou are supported by friends and family

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Decode hand and finger shapes

Besides pointing, the shape of your hands and fingers also clearly shows your personality, personality, and destiny. Don’t miss the new information below

Step 1: Determine the shape of your hand

Palm length is measured from the wrist to the base of the fingers. If you have ever learned about Tarot card reading and astrology, you will know that each person is born from 4 different systems such as: Earth – Air – Fire – Water.

firstEarth system– The palm and fingers are wide and square.

– Hand skin is thick or rough and rosy.

– The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers

You are tough, sometimes very stubborn. However, you live responsibly and are sometimes materialistic. Likes to work manually.
2Air System– Square or rectangular palms with long fingers.

– Sometimes the knuckles protrude outward, the thumb is low and the skin on the hands is dry.

– The length of the palm is shorter than the fingers.

You are sociable, friendly, witty. Sometimes shallow and quite cold. You love the spiritual and intangible world. Have a different and radical working method.
3Water system– Palms are long, sometimes oval shaped.

– The fingers are long and relatively flexible, shaped like bamboo shoots.

– The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers, but the fingers are not as wide as the widest part of the hand.

You are creative, insightful and sympathetic to others. However, you are quite introverted and emotional. You act silently and intuitively.
4Fire system– Square or rectangular palm.

– Hand skin is red or pink.

– Short fingers. The length of the palm is longer than the fingers.

You are enthusiastic and optimistic. Sometimes selfish, impulsive and somewhat rigid. You are an extrovert who acts on instinct.

Step 2: Decode the mounds on the palm

The mound on the palm is the protrusion below the fingers. They are usually located opposite the knuckles on the hand. The meaning of the specific mounds is as follows:

Mount of VenusLocated below your thumb– If this mound is high: You like to enjoy pleasure and have a need for immediate satisfaction.

– If you do not see this mound present on your palm: You are less interested in family problems.

Go Moc TinhLocated below your index finger– If this mound is the largest on your hand: You are a person who likes to give orders and only cares about yourself.

– If you don’t have this mound: You lack confidence.

Mount SaturnLocated under your middle finger– If this mound is high: You are stubborn, skeptical and prone to depression.

– If this mount is low: You live a superficial and disorganized life.

Go Thai DuongLocated below the ring finger– If this mound is high: You are impatient, extravagant and arrogant.

– If this mound is low: You lack the ability to imagine.

Go Thuy TinhLocated below your little finger– If the mound is high: You are a talkative person.

– If this mound is low: You are quite shy.

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Step 3: Consider the size of your hands and fingers

The size of hands and fingers can also partly reflect a person’s personality as well as their future orientation. If your hands are big, it shows that you like to be contemplative and a bit slow. However, this is also not entirely accurate.

Long fingers are a sign of anxiety. Short fingers show that you are impatient and creative. In addition, people with long fingers are very kind and know how to keep secrets. People with short fingers often criticize and satirize others.

>> See more: Mole on right hand [Nốt rồi ở tay trái] What does it mean to be a woman and a man?

Things to remember about palm reading

– Palm reading is not completely accurate so you cannot trust them 100%. Remember, your destiny is decided by you. Make an effort and try to take new actions that can be successful.

– If palm reading, find a place with lots of light to see things more clearly and accurately.

– Do not judge others when reading their palms

– When reading your palm, you should only focus on the darkest lines. Try to be specific to avoid confusion.

– Want to learn more about children

  • You make a fist with your right hand, looking at the outside edge of your hand, near the pinky finger.
  • The number of lines you see is the number of babies you can have in the future. However, this depends on you.

– Your palm lines will change over time. Therefore, palm reading helps find out what will happen in the near future, but not everything.

– The darker the fate line (if you have one) is a very good factor indicating your longevity.

Free online palm reading website

You can check your palm reading online for free at the following websites:

  • Link 1:
  • Link 2:
  • Link 3:

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So, you know how to read your palm with 100% basic accuracy, and how to read your personality and destiny at the simplest level. Everyone can learn more in-depth books and then practice with friends and relatives.

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