Our Patroness

Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Jesus to whom Sacred Heart Convent School owes its very existence, name and growth is our holy-Patroness. Like every good mother is at the heart of the family, Mary is at the heart of the Sacred Heart-Family. From its very inception in 1965 Mary has been the Source of our inspiration, the Model of our aspirations, the Tower of our strength, the Guiding Star of our progressive-journey and our sure Protection against all evil and dangers.

Holy Virgin Mary cannot be confined within the boundaries of Christianity alone. She is the Mother of the whole human family as Jesus Christ her Son belongs to the whole world as its Saviour. Devotion to the Divine Mother is not unfamiliar to the adherents of different religions in India.

We seek her help as she is the dispenser of all graces to humanity. We love her as she is our Co-redemptrix and was given to us as our own Mother by Jesus as His last gift from the Cross.

Acknowledging the universal motherhood of Mary, the Church-Document had this to place on records: “May Mary intercede before God until all the people of the human family, whether they are honoured with the name of Christians or whether they still do not know their Saviour, are happily gathered together in peace and harmony into the one people of God, for the glory of the most Holy and undivided Trinity” (Vat II. LG.69).

Glory Of The Girl-Child

Mary, the simple teenager of Nazareth stands as the glory of the girl-child of every age. She courageously said ‘Yes’ to cooperate with God in His saving plan for the erred humanity (Lk 1:35), preserved her ‘Sin-less-ness’ (Immaculate conception), nurtured her ‘grace-fullness’ in the face of all odds and sorrows until she ‘Stood’ beneath the Cross of her dying Son Jesus- the Saviour of the world.

The Birth And Greatness Of Mary

Mary was born in Nazareth (Hebrew-Nazar meaning Flower) as the result of twenty years of constant prayer of a holy couple named Joachim and Anna. She was born fifteen years, three months and seventeen days before the birth of Christ. The Aramaic name ‘Mariam’ has its English rendering as ‘Mary’ meaning ‘The Star of the Sea’. Yes Mary is surely the Guiding Star for every sea-farer – we who toss upon the stormy sea of this world.

Predestined from all eternity by God to become the Mother of Jesus- the Saviour-God in human form, Mary was conceived and born Immaculate ( with out the stain of original sin of Adam and Eve which every human being shares). She grew up in spotless purity, deep humility, prayer and practice of every virtue. When God’s own fullness of time had come, God approached the dazzling ‘grace-fullness’ of Mary through an Angel seeking her consent to be born of her as the Saviour of the world.

The ‘Yes’ of Mary to become the Mother of the Saviour of the world was also her ‘Yes’ to become the Mother of the world, to be the Coredemptrix of the world and a never failing ‘Helper’, ‘Intercessor’ and the ‘Dispenser of God’s Graces’ to her sinful children here on earth who call on her help.

As the Angel Gabriel thus salutes our Mother, ‘ Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you among women and blessed is the Fruit of your womb Jesus’; let us pray, “Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.