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Like winking or eye twitching, tinnitus in the left ear (tinnitus in the right ear) is also a common phenomenon that we often encounter in life. Surely everyone has at least once suddenly experienced strange tinnitus, all surrounding sounds were unclear and very uncomfortable. The phenomenon of tinnitus has long attracted the attention of both the scientific and spiritual world. Although science has certain explanations for this phenomenon, in feng shui, the omen of tinnitus has its own meanings that always make people feel curious. Join NgonAZ to learn more about the causes and signs according to the time frame of tinnitus.

See more: What does it mean if you blink your right eye continuously every hour?

Decoding the phenomenon of tinnitus

What disease is tinnitus?

Many people who do not believe in feng shui always wonder what tinnitus is and look for the cause of tinnitus. Soon, we will learn about this phenomenon from a scientific perspective.

Tinnitus is a common phenomenon that occurs when there is noise or illusory ringing in the ears or head. Those noises can be very gentle, but they can also be loud, small, high or low, making the sufferer feel extremely uncomfortable.

The phenomenon of tinnitus, whether it is tinnitus in the left ear, tinnitus in the right ear or tinnitus in both ears, is not a disease at all but just a symptom. This symptom may appear because you have problems with your hearing organs or due to the effects of some other diseases such as ear injury, otitis media, hearing loss, circulatory system disorders…

Tinnitus is not a disease

This phenomenon does not affect health but makes people feel uncomfortable. If you find the cause and persist in overcoming it, you will be able to completely treat this condition in your life.

Causes of ringing in the ears

Common causes

Firstly, because you are often exposed to loud noises such as listening to loud music or working in a noisy environment. If this condition persists, you may experience hearing loss, even permanent hearing loss.

Second, due to earwax blockage. Earwax is an ingredient that helps filter dirt, inhibit the growth of bacteria and protect your ear canal. However, if too much earwax accumulates in the ear, it will affect hearing and irritate the eardrum, causing tinnitus.

Third, due to changes in ear bones. According to scientists, hardening of the bones in the middle ear will affect hearing and can cause frequent ringing in the ears.

Loud noise causes tinnitus

Some other reasons

– Meniere’s disease

– TMJ disorder: This is a disorder with problems with the temporomandibular joint, the joint on both sides of the head in front of the ears – where the lower jaw meets the skull.

– Due to neck or head injury affecting the auditory nerve or affecting brain functions related to hearing ability.

– Due to acoustic neuroma, the body loses control of hearing. This condition is also known as vestibular schwannoma, causing one-sided tinnitus, which can be left or right ear tinnitus.

– Due to dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, the tube that connects your middle ear to your upper throat.

– Due to vascular disorders related to tinnitus.

– Due to side effects of some drugs such as cancer treatment drugs, antibiotics, quinine, antidepressants, diuretics, high doses of aspirin, etc.

What disease is tinnitus? In fact, tinnitus is not a disease but is only a natural phenomenon due to the impact of the environment or the effects of some other diseases in the body. Knowing the causes of tinnitus above, you can find appropriate remedies and treatments.

See more: What does constantly sneezing and sneezing mean?

Tinnitus in the left ear

Tinnitus in the left ear and tinnitus in the right ear are both common phenomena, you can even have tinnitus in both ears. Particularly in the case when you naturally have tinnitus in your left ear, if you do not have any medical problems, it can be a sign of spiritual feng shui. So, what does tinnitus in the left ear mean?

Sign of tinnitus in the left ear

Depending on the time frame when you have tinnitus in your left ear, this phenomenon brings different omens. Let’s find out right below!

– Tinnitus in the left ear from 11pm – 1am: Surely someone is missing you and mentioning you to someone else.

– Phenomenon from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.: You may be about to encounter gossip, even bring disaster to yourself if you are not careful and skillful in communication, behavior, and dealing with people in life.

– Phenomenon from 3am – 5am: Be careful because you may lose your wealth in the near future.

– Tinnitus in the left ear from 5am – 7am: You are about to encounter something bad, please be careful and calmly handle it.

– Phenomenon from 7am – 9am: Maybe you are about to go on a business trip far from home.

– Tinnitus from 9am – 11am: This is a sign that something unfortunate will happen if you go somewhere far from home, so limit long distance travel.

– Phenomenon occurs from 11am – 1pm: You will receive good news from a far away place, and may even receive extremely surprising gifts.

– Tinnitus in the left ear from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: A sign that relatives or friends have just gone out to eat or drink.

– Tinnitus from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: If you were invited to eat or drink above, the omen here is that someone will invite you to go out on a trip.

– Phenomenon occurring from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.: In the near future, no matter what you do, you must be very careful and cautious to avoid wasting assets or being criticized by others.

– Tinnitus from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: It will be great because you will be given gifts by others, invited to eat and drink, and receive the utmost attention from them.

– Phenomenon occurring from 9pm – 11pm: A sign that in the near future you will meet a noble man who will help you with good luck, even bad things will turn into good things.

That’s it, knowing the omen from the phenomenon of tinnitus in the left ear, you can predict what will happen in the near future when your ear suddenly has unusual ringing without any health-related problems.

See more: Blink left eye continuously according to date and time

Tinnitus in right ear

As mentioned above, tinnitus in the left ear and tinnitus in the right ear are both common phenomena in life. If tinnitus in the left ear has its own signs, then having tinnitus in the right ear also has certain meanings.

So, what does tinnitus mean? Let’s explore the “mysteries” behind the phenomenon of tinnitus in the right ear according to different time frames in the concept of spiritual feng shui.

Sign of tinnitus in the right ear

– Tinnitus in the right ear from 11pm – 1am: A sign that you may have conflicts, disputes, or even lawsuits with others. If you don’t know how to be humble, you will be more inclined to lose than to be straight.

– Phenomenon from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.: Be careful of notoriety or being misunderstood and talked about behind your back by friends and colleagues.

– Tinnitus in the right ear from 3am – 5am: Maybe in the future you will have to think about many things in life, causing your mood to become unstable.

– Phenomenon appears from 5am – 7am: You will meet good friends or have distinguished guests come to visit.

– Tinnitus in the right ear from 7am – 9am: Observe carefully because there may be someone in dire need of your help.

– Phenomenon from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.: Foretells that you will have a lot of luck in the future, favorable conditions at work, and very good career advancement.

– Phenomenon that occurs from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: A sign of meeting a soulmate or an old friend even though you have lost contact for a long time.

– Tinnitus in the right ear from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.: Be careful, because in the near future you will encounter more or less good or bad things when strangers suddenly come looking for you.

– Tinnitus from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: In the near future, you will have many unexpected joys brought by family members returning from far away.

– Phenomenon from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.: A lucky omen when whatever you do will be successful and bring good results, and at the same time bring home fortune.

– Phenomenon that occurs from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: You will soon have distinguished guests from far away visiting your home, so prepare to welcome them thoughtfully.

– Tinnitus in the right ear from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.: It’s great because someone will invite you to a party.

Just like tinnitus in the left ear, knowing the meaning of tinnitus in the right ear helps you predict upcoming events. Whether the omen is good or bad, you should calmly accept it and behave appropriately.

See more: Hot left ear [nóng tai phải] What disease is it?

How to treat tinnitus in the left ear, tinnitus in the right ear

Tinnitus often makes people feel very uncomfortable, has hearing loss, and negatively affects daily digital activities. If this situation persists, it can cause unpredictable consequences. Therefore, you need to learn how to treat tinnitus to end this condition and restore your normal life. So, how to get rid of tinnitus? What are tips for treating tinnitus?

Some scientific methods to cure tinnitus

Internally medical treatment

The treatment method using this method is to use drugs that help completely treat the diseases that cause the ringing sound or drugs that help limit the discomfort caused by the ringing sound in the ears. This method can be used for tinnitus in the left ear, tinnitus in the right ear or tinnitus in both ears.

How to cure tinnitus according to science

– Medicines that help increase circulation in the central nervous system, increase cochlear circulation, smooth muscle relaxants, medicines that provide vitamins…

– Anti-edema medications or antihistamines if tinnitus is caused by fauces dysfunction.

– Sedatives, barbiturates, magnesium sulfate, meprobamate have the effect of minimizing inhibition on the reticular system of the central nervous system.

– Derivatives of the amino acrylamide group (such as lidocaine, lignocaine) or para-aminobenzoic acid (such as procaine) help reduce the sensitivity of nerve transmitting tissues.

– Tricyclic antidepressants such as nortriptyline and amitriptyline (use only if you have severe tinnitus because there are many side effects).

Combined with the use of medications according to the doctor’s opinion above, you need to limit exposure to loud noises, avoid stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine…, and regularly remove earwax, stop Using drugs that have side effects that cause tinnitus…

Surgical treatment

– Eliminate the causes of tinnitus by surgically removing neoplasms of the temporal lobe or removing space-occupying masses in the cerebellopontine angle.

– Stellate lymphadenectomy, endolymphatic sac ear decompression surgery, using salt to place in the round window, using heat to destroy the external semicircular canal…

Some other treatment methods

– Create a sound environment like a white stabilizer.

– Use hearing aids.

– Acupuncture hypnosis.

Remedy method with tips

Besides the above scientific treatment methods, you can also try applying some tips to treat tinnitus in the left ear and right ear as follows:

– Chew gum to activate the Eustachian tube muscles, increase the rate of saliva secretion and swallowing.

Cure tinnitus by chewing gum

– Yawn to adjust the flexibility of the Eustachian tube muscles, and opening your mouth wide will also help your ears be more airy.

Yawning helps cure tinnitus effectively

– Acupressure for the ear by pressing on the main acupuncture point.

– Use fresh ginger by boiling it with warm water and drinking it every morning and evening for about 1 month and you will see clear results.

How to predict tinnitus

Many types of tinnitus fortune telling are also ways to determine the meaning of tinnitus in the left ear and right ear. So, how to predict tinnitus?

Divining tinnitus with spiritual feng shui omens

Just like identifying the signs of tinnitus above, depending on different time frames, you will be able to recognize events that are about to happen in the future.

Therefore, to predict tinnitus, it is not necessary to go to a teacher or other professional, but you can completely do it yourself at home by determining the time when the tinnitus occurs and comparing it with the meaning of the tinnitus. It follows certain time frames.


Tinnitus in the left ear or tinnitus in the right ear is a phenomenon that is inherently too common in life. If this phenomenon occurs with little frequency, it is considered a normal sign and not a pathology. However, if tinnitus occurs too often and continuously for a long time, it is not only uncomfortable but also a consequence of some dangerous diseases that need to be careful.

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