How are artificial intelligence robots changing the world?

Owing to the continuous technological advancements, we have reached a point where a technology called artificial intelligence, a.k.a, AI, has revolutionised robotic technology. Artificial Intelligence technology is generally used to automate the tasks of robots. This article will help you understand the concept of artificial intelligence and robotics. It provides a detailed explanation of artificially intelligent robots and how they use AI technology to transform the way our world operates. It helps you understand what we can expect from robots in the future. This article also walks you through both pros and cons of using artificially intelligent robots.

Earlier, the term robot meant any machine or device that can perform tasks repetitively. However, this definition has evolved over the years. Nowadays, more and more scientists are using AI in robotics. AI robots form the bridge that combines the two different technologies, i.e., artificial intelligence and robotics. While a simple robot is a machine that is capable of performing repetitive tasks with pre-programming, an AI robot is an intelligent robot that can think independently and make its own decisions. AI robots are machines that can interact with the physical world on their own. In other words, they are our gateway towards complete automation, where we can enable robots to do more complex tasks. Surprisingly, futuristic concepts such as flying cars and automatic vehicles are speculated to be brought to life by combining robotic technology and artificial intelligence.

Much to our delight, the world is already on its way to achieve that feat. This is transforming the world in numerous ways and is making our lives easier. With this in mind, the article dives deep into the concepts such as robotic technology and artificial intelligence and analyses the pros and cons linked to said fields in science. It explains how this technology is transforming the way we live and how it will impact our future.

Table of Contents

Brand Snippet

What are artificially Intelligent robots?

Concept of AI and Robotics

How is Artificial Intelligence robot changing the world?

Pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence robot while changing the world.


Universal Robots is a Danish company. It was established in the year 2005 by three students. The company is the market leader in the robotics market. It produces and manufactures collaborative robotic arms to support mechanical and repetitive works in industries. The company has small to medium-sized robotic arms that are safe to use, cost-effective, and flexible.

The term ‘AI robot’ comes from two independent fields, namely – robotics and artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a broader area of study that delves into computer science programming. It deals with developing intelligent machines that can perform tasks that require human intelligence independently, without any human intervention. Robotics is a branch of study within Artificial intelligence. It deals with developing machines or robots that are capable of performing mechanical tasks. However, every robot is not artificially intelligent. An artificially intelligent robot is a type of machine that combines both robotics and artificial intelligence to possess human intelligence.

In simple words, robotics is the technology used for creating body parts or the robot’s hardware. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence is the critical aspect that transforms how the robot performs, using problem-solving capabilities hardwired into them to mimic human decision-making and learning. In other words, AI focuses on turning robots more human-like. For example, a simple robot without any intelligence can move products from one place to another. It can be programmed to do so. A robot with Artificial Intelligence can see the object and decide where it should be picked and where it should be placed. AI gives the robot a fixed level of autonomy in making decisions.

Although senses such as seeing, touching, smelling, and hearing can be imparted into the robots using sensors, cameras, and hearing aids, robots still lack the proverbial sixth sense exclusive to human beings. This is stated to be the biggest challenge in making a robot mimic human behaviours. Implementing AI in robotics can significantly help overcome this challenge. Scientists have also been researching the same since the inception of robotic technology and AI. Innumerable efforts are being made to build robots that can learn from their experiences and avoid repeating mistakes with the help of artificial intelligence algorithms. AI in robotics can enable a robot to plan tasks, execute them and learn from any shortcomings that they might face.

To understand how AI is integrated with robotics, it is imperative to understand AI and robotics separately.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence is the technology that allows machines to possess human-like intelligence. It means creating intelligence artificially. The machines or robots are programmed so that they think like humans and act like them. It is believed that machines can be programmed to possess cognitive abilities. AI robots can think, make the most appropriate decisions and learn from past experiences without any human intervention. This concept is called machine learning which is a sub-branch of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence can be classified into two different types, namely – weak AI and strong AI. Weak AI involves performing simple tasks like answering questions and performing basic tasks like setting the alarm, playing music, or making a call. Strong AI refers to performing more complex tasks that involve problem-solving and decision-making without human intervention. This type of AI is found in smart robots, self-driving cars.

What is robotics?Robotics is an intersection of engineering, design, and construction. It is a technology dedicated to the development of machines that can perform simple to complex tasks. It is a field of study that makes robots. Robots were designed to assist humans in doing mundane or repetitive tasks.

Robotic devices initially consisted of robotic arms or machines that could perform simple tasks like picking up products and moving them. They were primarily used in factories and construction sites. With the introduction of AI, researchers are trying to develop robots that can perform more complex tasks that involve thinking, decision-making, perception, and self-learning. Robots are getting smarter day by day. With the integration of smarter technologies like AI, machine learning, and deep learning, robots mimicking humans might soon be a reality.

Intelligent robots have become a regular sight in our day-to-day lives. People from different fields use them. New technologies in robotics and AI continue to improve the way people live. Let us have a look at how they do this.

Virtual Assistants:Virtual assistants and chatbots have become common everywhere. From various websites using chatbots for answering customer queries to personal assistants like Siri, Google Home, and Alexa, usage of AI is manifold. Technology that runs on AI is widely prevalent these days. These AI assistants can perform more complex tasks like turning on the TV, AC and playing music. The devices that are built with AI technology can be connected with multiple appliances.

Farming and Agriculture: Intelligent robots are being increasingly used to make agricultural processes more efficient and increase productivity. The tasks that demanded manual labour a few years ago can now be performed easily with the help of robots. AI-enabled robots have also led to the development of self-driving vehicles. This has made various agricultural activities like sowing, harvesting, irrigation, and weeding a lot easier and less time-consuming.

Automated flying cars: Humans have always been fascinated with ideas such as self-driving cars and flying vehicles. The combination of AI and robotics has turned this fascination into reality. People are now using uncrewed vehicles that can fly independently or move on roads without any human intervention. This has helped reduce accidents as these vehicles use sensors to sense the objects in their path and change their path accordingly, thus, avoiding accidents.

Fashion and Apparel: The fashion and apparel sector has also started using artificially intelligent robots in shops, showrooms, and production units. They are used to manage the operations in warehouses. They are also being used for sewing, owing to their precision-based outputs. The increased intelligence of these robots allows them to detect flaws and errors in several operational stages of the industry’s processes, where they are used. It has helped save the apparel industry time and money.

Security and Surveillance: AI-enabled robots are increasingly utilised in the security and surveillance of buildings. They are capable of performing facial recognition with high-powered cameras. They are much more accurate than human beings in performing the functions mentioned above. These robots help identify criminals easily and store the retrieved data instantly for future reference. Production and Manufacturing:The manufacturing and production sector has been the biggest beneficiary of AI robots. Tasks that demanded manual labour are now done by intelligent robots capable of identifying and fixing errors independently. They have made the processes cost-effective, quick, with highly accurate results.


Accuracy: AI robots are more accurate, while humans are prone to make mistakes. Humans are susceptible to fatigue, while robots never get tired and do not require rest. They are quicker and more accurate. The machine learning algorithms facilitate easy detection of errors and defects. All these lead to greater accuracy and precision in the tasks performed. Moreover, the ability to work tirelessly leads to better time management and faster production. Robots are becoming popular among various sectors due to these reasons.

No errors:AI robots can eliminate errors if appropriately programmed. These machines can learn from their previous experiences gained over the years using specific algorithms. These robots can make accurate and best decisions based on their learnings. They increase accuracy by detecting errors, defects, and deficiencies. Error-free work leads to a massive reduction in production costs. AI robots can eliminate errors and transform the way we live forever. Companies are using this technology to develop automated cars. The technology behind these cars is assumed to be 100% error-free, and it can sense the presence of any obstacle in its path with the help of advanced sensors. Also, it follows all the traffic rules, reducing the chances of traffic mishaps.

Less time-consuming: Robots are much faster than humans. They can perform the tasks very fast. A robot can do a task performed by a human in 4 days within hours and even minutes. AI robots can also facilitate quick decision-making. Due to their high-speed functioning and accurate results, productivity is increased. AI robots are quickly becoming an inevitable part of the manufacturing sector. Moreover, they do not need any break or rest. They can work around the clock to complete work faster.

Cost-effective: An artificially intelligent robot is capable of performing the work of many employees individually. It can replace the enormous workforce required. It leads to a massive reduction in costs in terms of human resources and workspace. However, setting up the robots requires huge initial funds but the returns cover the initial cost within a few months or years. It also helps save electricity costs as they can work without other appliances. Their high productivity and high speed lead to the reduction of costs.No layoffs and leaves:Robots never get tired. They do not require layoffs, day-offs, or recreational activities. They can work as long as we want them to work. They can work every day until we want them to stop. AI robots can make fast and accurate decisions. They make use of the data fed into their memory and their previous experiences. Their memory is limitless, and they can access it very quickly, which helps them make fast decisions. This prevents unnecessary or unexpected delays in production.For business and economy:AI is a boon for businesses and the global economy. It helps boost production on a large scale. They can help minimise errors and defects, and this will further reduce the costs of production. Data has become the new fuel for business. AI robots are storehouses of data. They are increasingly helping businesses to use data for marketing their products or their brand in the industry.Non-biased decision-making in criminal law and Justice:It might sound strange, but AI-enabled robots are increasingly being used for criminal justice and security purposes. AI robots possess the intelligence to make correct decisions quickly based on past criminal data and evidence. The best part is that they are bias-free, help eliminate any fraud, and solve the cases quickly.There are no risks:AI-enabled robots can work efficiently in challenging terrains and places where the human workforce may have life-risk. It becomes complicated for humans to work in such situations. One can use AI machines instead of human rescue teams in case of a natural calamity. They can also be used in construction sites and mining sites, where life risk is omnipresent.Cons-High initial costs: Purchasing an AI-enabled robot is a costly affair. One has to take into account the high initial costs involved. The setting up of these complex machines requires time and effort, which makes it an expensive process. In addition to the initial costs, the maintenance costs of such machines are very high. The parts of AI robots require maintenance, up-gradation, and repairs from time to time. Not everyone can afford an AI robot. The technology is not easily accessible. Companies also need to assess the costs involved in training the employees, which may sometimes act as a financial burden.

Lack of creativity and works only on logic: No matter how intelligent a robot can get, it can never be creative and think differently (in the current scenario). It only uses the data present in its system and the data it acquires from its experience. In other words, it can make use of the prevailing data and its past experiences to make decisions but cannot innovate or come up with new ideas if required. For example, it can suggest a theme for an advertisement for a car brand based on previously fed data but cannot develop a new theme or concept (in most cases). That is the job of humans. Robots are not capable of cracking the code to innovate by themselves as of now.

No emotions:Although this is a positive trait, it can be a negative factor at times. They do not have any sympathy and hence cannot solve all the problems on their own. They will require human intervention at some point when they interact with people. Not every situation can be pre-fed in a robot’s system. Understanding human emotions play an essential role in ensuring a good customer experience. Every job requires some amount of personal touch and emotion. Robots lack emotions and sympathy.

Lack of ethos and morals:A robot cannot understand ethical and moral values. It can only perform monotonous tasks and suggest the best decisions based on previously fed algorithms and data. It does not have an ethical or moral sense. Ethics and morals play a significant role in the real world, and it is challenging for a robot to mimic these senses. If something unethical is fed into the system of a robot, it will not be able to detect, which may lead them to make wrong decisions.

Can be used for destructive purposes: Robots do what we want them to do. It works in the way it is programmed. If a robot is programmed to carry out dangerous activities, it can destroy the world and even the entire human race. It carries a risk of being misused.

Employee training and development:Businesses have to incur enormous costs for training the employees of the organisation. They need to provide training regarding the parts and the technology used in the robot. The employees need to be introduced to fix the robot in case of any technical difficulty. It is a time-consuming task. Moreover, the mechanism of a robot is not easy to understand, and hence it will not be easy to train the employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do AI robots work?AI robots work based on data fed in them. It uses human input or sensors to understand the situation and compares it to the pre-fed information to conclude.
  2. What is the best AI robot?The best and most intelligent robot is ‘Sophia,’ which was made by Hanson Robotics. It is the most advanced robot and mimics human-like actions.
  3. What is the most advanced robot in 2021?

‘Asimo,’ a human-like robot developed by Honda Motors, is generally regarded as the world’s most advanced robot. It looks like a humanoid and can walk and climb stairs.