Nhận xét sổ liên lạc tiểu học, học sinh, phụ huynh, cô giáo chủ nhiệm

It is difficult for us to know whether our children attend school regularly, whether their academic results are good, or whether there are any problems with their behavior. To easily monitor their children’s academic results as well as school activities, teachers have helped parents by introducing contact books like cameras to record students’ activities in school. Below dut.edu.vn has compiled many of the most standard comment forms for elementary school, student, and parent contact books in accordance with regulations.

Review contact books for elementary schools, students, and parents

Review contact books for elementary schools, students, and parents

What is a contact book review?

Commenting on the contact book (SLL) is the process of evaluating, giving opinions and comments on a specific issue or situation. This is the process of thinking and analyzing based on the information and understanding of an individual or group of people.

In the context of electronic contact books (SLLĐT), comments can be applied to evaluating the advantages, limitations, features, effectiveness, interactions and other aspects of electronic contact books. Reviews help provide information and objective evaluation of e-SLLĐT, thereby assisting users in better understanding this application and making decisions that suit their needs and desires.

>> Reference: What is an electronic contact book? Look up vnedu’s electronic contact book

Roadmap for evaluating elementary school students

According to Circular 27/2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training, many articles of student feedback regulations have been supplemented and amended. According to regulations in Circular 27, the roadmap for periodic and regular evaluation of elementary school students will take place as follows:

From October 20, 2020, Circular 27/2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training will take effect, replacing Circular 30/2014 and Circular 22/2016. In this new circular, many articles of student comment regulations are supplemented and amended. According to regulations in Circular 27, the roadmap for periodic and regular evaluation of elementary school students will take place as follows:

  • For 1st grade students: From the 2020 – 2021 school year.
  • For 2nd grade students: From the 2021 – 2022 school year.
  • For 3rd grade students: From the 2022 – 2023 school year.
  • For 4th grade students: From the 2023 – 2024 school year.
  • For 5th grade students: From the 2024 – 2025 school year.

Primary school contact book review form

The content and methods of evaluating primary school students according to Circular 27 are many, such as the content of assessing the learning process, forming and developing capacity and qualities through observation methods, through learning records and activities. movement, written test, and oral examination of students. Specifically, the comment form for primary school student contact books is as follows:

Primary school contact book review form

Primary school contact book review form

I. Sample comment on patriotic qualities

– I know how to respect and love my teachers and friends. – I often help and love my friends. – I am conscious of preserving and protecting the environment and public property. – I am always proud of my relatives in the family, those who have contributed to building and preserving the country. – I know how to love people, love my homeland and country. – I am always self-aware and actively participate in collective activities organized by school and class. organization.– I know how to appreciate everyone’s hard work.

II. Model for commenting on compassionate qualities

– I have a compassionate heart, sharing and helping people. – I know how to share tasks with my classmates and family. – I often help people, those in difficult circumstances. towel.– I listen, know how to take care of and care for my grandparents and parents.

III. Sample comment on qualities of hard work

– I actively participate in group activities organized by class and school. – I always actively study in class. – I do homework diligently. – I know how to accept tasks when assigned. – I know how to protect everything in the classroom and in the school. – I actively participate in cleaning the classroom and wiping the board.

IV. Language-specific competency assessment form

– I speak loudly, clearly, and clearly.– I improve in communication.– I present the content that needs to be discussed concisely and clearly.– When I do not understand the lesson, I know how to ask questions and talk to the teachers. – I read words clearly and loudly. – I read words fluently. – I present problems coherently. – I have very good skills in solving language problems. – I have the ability to present ideas. my opinions in front of the class, in front of the crowd.– I have become more bold in communication.– I communicate and cooperate with friends very well.– I still speak vaguely and unclearly.– I have not confident when communicating. – I still read hesitantly.

V. Form to comment on specific mathematical abilities

– I have a talent for doing math.– I learn numbers and do math very quickly.– I am smart, calculate accurately and quickly.– I have improved in math.– I do math carefully and accurately. .– My math skills have been improved.– I do addition and subtraction carefully.– My math skills are still slow, often erasing papers.– My calculation operations have been trained , more advanced.– I performed well all the requirements in the math problem.– I did the calculations in accordance with the requirements.

BECAUSE. Comment form for Vietnamese subject according to Circular 27

– I read fluently and understand the meaning of the text, write correctly.– My reading and writing speed meets the requirements, spelling is correct.– I speak clearly and successfully. – I can answer questions. questions related to the reading.– I know how to communicate with friends and teachers when studying.– I can say sentences with rhymes and sounds related to the topic.– My Vietnamese practice has been good. advanced.

VII. Math review form according to Circular 27

– I know how to read and write numbers.– I know how to perform addition and subtraction effectively.– I do math carefully and accurately.– I know how to read division and group diagrams according to the four operations .– Count the correct number of elements in a set from 1 to 10.– I know how to count more and less.– I know how to look at pictures, and can speak according to sentence patterns in the direction of separating – combining.– I know how to compare numbers with together.

Below are some comments on the contact book for 4th grade students (elementary school students).

Review transcripts for excellent students

Subjects: 1/ Math: Write letters and numbers very clearly and accurately Do math quickly and accurately Do your homework diligently Memorize all the formulas

2/ Spelling subject: Write beautiful handwriting, write correctly. Read essays and poems clearly. Good reading voice. Clean notebooks, beautiful handwriting.

3/Writing practice Describe the essay vividly, without going off topic Create a clear outline, according to the requirements of the topic

4/ drawing: Beautiful drawing, clear images Conduct: good

5/ exercise: Health: good Proficient exercise skills Polite, good-natured, always helping weak and poor classmates

Reviews of academic records for good students

Academic pretty

1/ Math: Doing math exercises is not completely accurate. Handwriting is quite nice and clear. Still confused when writing math formulas.

2/ Spelling: Reading is quite good, writing is quite good. Notebooks are smudged, try to keep them clean. Reading voice is still stuttering.

3/ writing practice: Thinking is quite slow, writing is not very clear Sometimes writing with extra thoughts Although the outline is correct, it is quite concise

4/ drawing: The drawing is quite good, the drawing is a bit blurry. The drawing is still a bit weak. Try to draw more clearly, the drawing must be sharp.

5/ physical education: Good health, quite proficient exercise skills, Conduct: good, studious, but less talkative, good-natured, polite to teachers, sociable with friends

Review transcripts for average students

Learning capacity is average

1/ math: Doing math problems incorrectly, not fully grasping the given problem Writing numbers are still fuzzy and unclear Homework not fully completed

2/ spelling: There are still spelling errors. The writing is weak and unclear. The article still has spelling errors. The speaking voice is still weak and pronunciation is unclear.

3/ writing practice: The outline is not clear The ideas in the paragraph are not arranged in order A lot of wrong words are written The notebook is not clean

4/ PE subject: Health: a bit weak Exercise operations are still awkward Conduct: average Often quarrels with friends Does not speak during class Still talks when the teacher lectures Eating awkwardly in class

Good communication notes according to Circular 30 for homeroom teachers

To help teachers more conveniently record comments in contact books to help parents grasp the student’s situation. Below are suggestions for reference. Depending on the actual situation of the classroom, the teacher will write appropriate comments.

Comments on subjects and educational activities (knowledge, skills)

1. Master the knowledge of subjects and apply them effectively.

2. Complete the content of all subjects.

3. Complete all program content of each lesson within the month.

4. Complete the requirements of the program content of the lessons in the month.

5. Reading is still slow, pausing is still not in the right place. Need to increase reading practice in subject classes.

6. There are many errors in spelling and presentation is not good. Need to increase writing practice in subject classes.

Comments on capacity

1. Have a sense of self-service, self-study and boldness when communicating.

2. Comply with classroom rules and behave in a friendly manner.

3. Knowing how to keep books carefully, there is clear progress in communication.

4. Voluntarily complete all learning tasks and know how to share with friends.

5. Arrange appropriate study time, actively help friends and have a sense of self-study.

6. Still quite timid, not keeping books carefully and not following classroom rules.

Comments on quality

1. Go to school regularly, on time, know how to admit mistakes when you’re wrong and be patient with friends.

2. Actively participate in learning activities, respect everyone and know how to express your opinions.

3. Work hard at home to help your parents, don’t lie and take responsibility for yourself.

4. Be conscious of beautifying the school, keep your promises and always boldly express your opinions.

5. Confidence in studying, honesty, solidarity and always love friends.

6. Not aware of keeping the school clean, still being constantly reminded to put trash in the right place.

7. If you are late to school, your family needs to set a clock to alert your student to go to school on time.

Comments on good communication between homeroom teachers and students

The contact book is a number book that haunts generations of students, creating the “most upheavals” for students’ families. It is sometimes the complete joy of the families of hard-working students with good academic results; But it can be the source of many family “turbulences” for students whose results are not very good. But there are also contact books that make viewers unable to stop laughing because of the teacher’s “cool” comments.

1. Study best in class. No one can get through. Ask parents to let their children study less so they can catch up. Should play more!

2. The perfect girl of the class!

3. There has been great effort to overcome family circumstances to get good results. Note any violations of the rules. Don’t let your parents be sad!

4. Is a pretty perfect man, except for being aloof from the class.

5. Both beautiful and good at studying.

6. Very active, has artistic talent and that is also the weakness that needs to be overcome.

7. The true man of the class… Good and quiet!

8. Try very hard in your studies, and need to try harder in the future to overcome difficult situations!

9. The golden girl in the village leads and organizes implementation. Good student, active, personable. High sense of responsibility!

10. Average academic performance, good movement activities and responsible work. Need more masculinity!

11. Need to be more feminine! Have a talent for studying natural subjects. Wish you success.

The above content is some good contact book comments that we have researched and compiled to share with you. Hopefully the information this article has suggested will help homeroom teachers make comments in the contact book in the most honest and appropriate way!

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